DoWCoP FAQs - Qualified Persons (QP)
- At what point in the process should these discussions take place?
At project planning stage. - Who is the point of contact?
Enquires should be directed to the local Environment Agency office in the first instance. Where a Cluster project straddles Environment Agency area boundaries then the area where the Hub site is located should be contacted. Assistance will be given by NTS – Geoscience team if required by the local team - What information needs to be submitted to get this agreement?
A Material Management Plan covering the sites concerned which contain the lines of evidence such as Hub site permit, contractual interrelationships and responsibilities, mass balance calculations etc. (also see paragraph A3.14 - DoWCoP Version 2)
Given that there is no suspicion of contamination there should be no need to consult. The Qualified Persons should satisfy themselves prior to signing the Declaration that there is evidence to support this e.g. Desk Top Study.
It will be good practice for the Qualified Person to include a clear request to see all relevant documents and to record those documents provided to them that formed the basis for the signed Declaration. It would be prudent to have a “full disclosure” clause in any contractual agreement between the Qualified Person and the person commissioning the works.
Under Route B – Direct Transfer – would there now be a need to consult?
Liaison with regulatory authorities regarding any development should continue as normal (e.g. discussions with local planning authority etc.) however there is no need to specifically consult the Environment Agency / Local Authority about remediation objectives or suitability of materials if such materials fit the description set out in Appendix 2 of the DoWCoP relating to Direct Transfer.
The purpose of this requirement is to avoid the application of the DoWCoP in situations where there is already an on-going dispute regarding the proposals at the site, for example where the remediation proposals do not satisfy the requirements of the regulator(s). The person commissioning the Qualified Person needs to provide evidence so that the Qualified Person can be confident in signing the Declaration. This can take the following forms:
Route A – where contamination is present or suspected:
- Actual correspondence (e.g. letters, e-mails, minutes of a meeting etc…) clearing stating this.
- Correspondence showing that the regulator has been approached but has declined to comment in detail on the proposal or has provided generic advice only.
- Correspondence showing that a real attempt has been made to engage with the regulator but that no response has been received (a minimum 21 day period should have elapsed before this could be demonstrated).
- The planning permission provides a clear link to the approved Remediation Strategy (where planning is applicable).
Route B –contamination not suspected:
- Actual correspondence (e.g. letters, e-mails, minutes of a meeting etc…) clearing stating this.
- Correspondence showing that the regulator has been approached but has declined to comment in detail on the proposal or has provided generic advice only.
- Correspondence showing that a real attempt has been made to engage with the regulator but that no response has been received (a minimum 21 day period should have elapsed before this could be demonstrated).
- Desk Top Study clearly indicates that no contamination is suspected, hence no need for consultation (see FAQ 9a above) and therefore it is reasonable to conclude that there is no objection in relation to the use of the materials in accordance with the Material Management Plan.
- The planning permission provides a clear link to how the materials are to be dealt with (where planning is applicable).
- The Design Statement clearly sets out how the materials are to be dealt with and the Statement has been agreed e.g. correspondence, minutes or there is a clear link from a planning permission (where planning is applicable).
- There is some confusion over the subject of “agreement” and reference to the “no objections” statement in the Declaration. It is the Declaration wording that is most important. The reference to “no objections” is relevant to objections to waste management issues and the detail of the DoWCoP documentation – rather than objections to other aspects of a planning submission e.g. flooding.
Chartered status is required. Experience and chartered status are tackling two different aspects. Chartered status supports the statements made in the DoWCoP relating to self-regulation and a high level of professional integrity. That is not to say that the criteria may not change in the future following a sufficient period of the DoWCoP being used.
Note that in terms of experience Qualified Persons should have a track record in site investigation / remediation and waste management issues.
There should be no possibility of Qualified Persons checking their own work. As such, it is considered that any direct involvement in the initial stages of the project, or its establishment, will exclude someone from acting in the Qualified Person role on that project.
Once the Declaration is completed, signed and submitted, the Qualified Person role is finished and that person could go on to take a direct role in the management and execution of the project. Note, however, that in a Cluster project, there may be a number of Declarations to be completed and also the possibility of adding to that number if further sites join the Cluster. If the Qualified Person has become involved in the management and execution of the Cluster project having completed the initial Declaration(s) then a new Qualified Person will be required to deal with such additions.
All Declarations are added to CL:AIRE Declaration management system. Submissions are checked for mistakes or missing entries. Once all required information is included, CL:AIRE issue a Declaration receipt to the Qualified Person. This carries a copy of the submitted information and is copied in to either the Environment Agency or Natural Resources Wales. The regulators add the information to their respective systems which informs local area teams.
There is no requirement for the Qualified Person to be further involved with the project once the Declaration is submitted. There is no mechanism for retracting a Declaration within the DoWCoP, even when there is a material change to the project.
It is important that people involved with the excavation and reuse of materials understand the requirements of the DoWCoP e.g. they would be responsible for amending the Materials Management Plan and recording what actually happened to that material in the Verification Report.
No – liabilities remain as they currently are without the use of the DoWCoP.
The Qualified Person is signing the Declaration confirming everything is in place. The actual use of materials outside of the agreed specification would occur after the Qualified Person’s involvement.
If a Qualified Person is found to have fraudulently completed a DoWCoP Declaration then their registration will be reviewed.
As of October 2016, QPs have been asked to:
- Enquire whether the project has been the subject of an application for a deposit for recovery permit and if so whether that application (or preceding waste recovery plan proposal) was refused.
- Establish and record the contractual relationship in place between the supplier and recipient of soil materials.
- This requirement arrives from the outcomes of the Tarmac Aggregates Ltd v The Secretary of State for Env. Food & Rural Affairs & Anor (2015). The Court of Appeal found against the EA in its refusal to grant a Standard Rules Permit for recovery. The outcome was based on the fact the works would have occurred even if use of non-waste materials were required.
There was discussion during the case of the Wallasea Island project which was granted a recovery permit, despite the fact it could not prove the same e.g. the project would not have been feasible without a recovery permit. This case suggests the EA may have erred in granting the recovery permit to Wallasea Island, in which case it would be considered a waste disposal operation.
The DoW CoP specifically precludes its use on disposal sites in para 1.15
It follows that a projects viability without reuse of waste materials in place of primary materials becomes critical and precedes any attempt to define materials as a non-waste e.g. applying the DoW CoP.
Where a project has been refused a recovery permit and/or the recipient of the soil is being paid to accept it, then project teams should also seek further advice from the EA / NRW. Project teams are advised consider how they can summarise and prove a projects viability at the earliest possible stage to support the Qualified Person review. This might be most easily achieved by showing that planning decisions prove the need for the materials and that the project would be financially viable if primary materials had to be used to source the required volumes.
Website Registration
All Qualified Persons should already have a website login.
Once you are logged in, please:-
- Check your profile (click “Update My Profile” from the Actions box on the top left of your Dashboard) and ensure your details are fully up-to-date.
- Click “Renew QP Registration” from the Actions box on your Dashboard.
- Check your contact details before confirming the status statement. If anything is incorrect please click the ‘My Profile’ hyperlink as instructed and confirm the Declaration.
- Ensure you upload documentary evidence of active Chartered status (e.g. copy of subscription receipt).
- Once all details are up-to-date and you have confirmed no change in your professional status, click on “Add to Cart” and complete the purchase of your renewal.
- You will be given the option to enter a Purchase order but this is not mandatory.
- Choose your payment method:
- Payments can be made by BACS (details are on the invoice) or immediately online by credit card via PayPal (no PayPal account required).
- If you wish to pay by credit card over the telephone, choose the invoice payment option and call our Accounts Department between 10 am and 2 pm Mon to Fri.
- Completing the purchase process will create an invoice.